Short Works & Anthologies
From a down-on-her-luck witch in Witch's Will - to a holiday romance (with perhaps just a touch of magic) in Luck, Logic, & Fickle Fate, from Dragons to Moving Day Elves, these tales will tweak your imagination.
Click the covers to discover more!

Ten short, sweet, lighthearted romances, celebrating the warmth and joy of the holiday season.
From big cities and small towns, star-filled nights to the snowstorms of picture postcards, these couples discover the unexpected gift of a new relationship tucked among the sparkle and tinsel.
A Hijinks Anthology!
Laugh at holiday escapades that go from bad to worse, and shenanigans that just might land these characters on Santa’s “naughty list”.
Whimsy & Wonder Abounds!
Add a healthy scoop of whimsy and a generous sprinkling of magic to your holidays. "...and havoc ensues" could well be the theme of this collection of holiday stories!
Tales of wise, ancient dragons hoarding treasure, terrorizing villages, and doing battle with noble heroes have long fascinated us. But dragons were not born old and wise, nor were heroes born brave and noble.
Wings of Change gathers tales of young dragons growing into their scales and claws, and human youths making choices that shape their destinies – destinies that will be forever changed by their interaction with the dragons that share their world.

What would a monkey write, if he could?
Thirty-five short stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, and sometimes make you glad you don’t live in the unsettling worlds of the imagination.